The robust cyber-risk data powering your security
The ZTEdge Threat Intelligence Network correlates threat telemetry data from multiple industry sources and combines it with proprietary information from the ZTEdge global user community to produce a real-time threat risk score each time a user attempts to visit a website or download a file.
ZTEdge automatically updates its intelligence on millions of malicious files and URL threat indicators each day.
Multiple intelligence feeds, including data shared from over 30 leading Cyber Threat Alliance security vendors covering endpoints, servers, networks and web access from organizations across the globe, are aggregated and normalized to create a deep level of protection and threat visibility for your business.
Your web, application, and data access policies are powered by the risk assessments performed from within the ZTEdge Threat Intelligence Network.
Flexible policy configurations enforce different security actions based on relative levels of risk.
These important ZTEdge capabilities are driven by the ZTEdge Threat Intelligence Network: