Thank you for participating in the IT & Cybersecurity event, November 18 & 19, 2021 at the Renaissance Marriott Hotel – Bordeaux, France. Oxortis and ZTEdge have joined forces to deliver organizations Zero Trust cloud security via ZTEdge – the comprehensive Zero Trust platform that cuts complexity, reduces cyber-risk, and improves performance, at half the cost of other solutions.
ZTEdge, designed to meet the unique security requirements of small businesses and medium size enterprises, delivers a comprehensive set of Zero Trust security capabilities via a high-performance, resilient cloud platform. A cloud-native architecture and flexible global PoP infrastructure make ZTEdge highly efficient, allowing us to pass significant cost savings along to our customers.
Let us accelerate your move to Zero Trust.
As enterprises work towards building for a current state that increasingly demands a remote working environment, the likelihood of breaches is increasing. As data from the IBM study shows, companies have found it difficult to identify & patch the breaches in time. There is a huge direct and indirect cost of breach to enterprises that has made secure access a board-level agenda.
Oxortis provides CISO / CIO teams with visibility and control of their expanding secure access architecture with a suite of managed and project-based services.
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