Version History — Ericom Connect®
Release Notes for Version 9.5 Hot Fix June 2021
- SAML SSO enhancement: support for RelayState in the header
- Ability to specify Domain Controller name
- EricomRDP client support for QR scanner
- “Welcome” page downloads links point to Downloads folder of the current installation
Release notes for Version 9.5 February 2021
- FIPS compliance
- Block Screenshots for EricomRDP
Release notes for Version 9.4 October 2020
- Clipboard one-way control
- Onscreen watermark overlay for security
- Fixes for Japanese typing in AccessNow
- Security enhancement in Access Server: white list of RDP hosts and clients implementation
- Fixes in printing (Blaze and AccessNow)
Release notes for Version 9.3 May 2020
- Launch of EricomRDP client from AccessPortal and AccessNowSSO
- Support for Webcams
- Session search by user, host and session status
- Restrict a session to a specific host
- Support for ‘clientless’ deployment
- Support for radius ‘push’
Release notes for Version 9.1.1 April 2019
- Compatibility: Windows 10 IoT supported (from v9.0)
- Security: Added HSTS (Strict-Transport-Security HTML header) support to End-user and Admin web service
- Admin Console: RADIUS setting: Send Server IP Value Override
- Admin Console: Advanced | Connection property: Client Name Mode (AccessNow/Blaze mode only)
- Admin Console: Setting to configure SSL encryption for ESG Admin Console: Notify when TLS 1.0 is required on older operating systems
- SSO: Supports passing application/group information via the URL
- SSO: Supports hostRestriction setting to connect to a specific eligible host
- Reports: Rejected RADIUS authentication now logged as ‘failed logins’
- PowerShell: placed all samples in folder “Ericom Connect Configuration Tool\PowerShell”
- ConnectCLI: able to use credentials saved in Windows Credentials Manager
- ConnectCLI: fixed RemoteHostGroupMembers to handle multiple registrations of the same host
- ConnectCLI: Add ‘ConnectCli adminUsersRecovery list’ and merged ‘addAdminRecovery’ into it. Removed ‘addAdminRecovery’
- ConnectCLI: enhancements for multi-tenant configurations
- ConnectCLI: removed ConnectCli ActiveDirectoryOfflineTest, use ‘ActiveDirectoriesRecovery test’
- Optimization: Improved system start performance
- Optimization: Prevent event log flooding in the database
- Doc: clarified RADIUS-based Duo configuration
- Doc: added “Encrypted SAML Assertions: Okta” section
- Doc: To upgrade RemoteAgent 9.1 to 9.1.1, reinstall the application
Release notes for Version 9.1 January 2019
- Fixed “Concurrent license usage per month report” (28981/26327)
- Pending session reservation configuration to avoid host overcapacity
- Admin Console: new “Pending Session Reservation” setting
- Admin Console: new “Pending Session Reservation Timeout (Sec)” setting
- Admin Console: new “Pending Session Count Timeout (Sec)” setting
- Admin Console: new field in RAWS configuration “Custom Address”.
- ConnectCLI: added “systems permanentlyDelete”
- ConnectCLI: added “services permanentlyDelete [/type serviceType]”
- ConnectCLI: improved search/filter for “ConnectCli systems list” and “ConnectCli services list”
- ConnectCLI: added parameter ‘/RetainDays’ to ‘ConnectCli deleteOldLogMessagesDb’ and ‘DeleteOldLogMessages’ (28304)
- Improved Farms support
- Improved WMI internal communication (28560)
- SSO configuration now handles special characters in the secret value
- SSO verification tool – provided upon request for oAuth/SAML issues
- Access Server Log now uses OS version name in the system’s Registry
- Access Server minor adjustments (28820, 27271)
Release notes for Version 9.0 November 2018
- Wake On LAN
- oAuth SSO support
- SAML SSO support
- Updated SSO reference pages
- Windows 2019 support
- Windows 10 SAC 1809 support
- Upgraded Ericom grid for improved performance.
- Add “Username” as a RADIUS use condition value
- Active Directory searches no longer includes Distribution Groups
- Remote Agent Type 2 for Windows 2008 (.Net 3.5)
- Reports: Added “Named Users Current/Previous month”
- ConnectCLI: added ConnectCli activeDirectoriesRecovery
- ConnectCLI: enhanced ConnectCli setDatabaseConnectionRecovery
- PS: added to the Configuration directory: EricomConnect.ps1
- PS: added to the Configuration directory: host-info.ps1
- PS: added to the Configuration directory: LaunchApp.ps1
- ESG: TLS 1.0 is disabled by default
- Modified resource binding: EricomRDP connections skip AccessServer check
- Deprecated: IIS based Kerberos authentication
- Enhanced ability to connect to RDS hosts in an existing farm
- Clarification: Azure Application Gateway support is only available for AccessPortal/AccessNow (web-based) interface.
- AccessPad/Blaze (Windows) client remembers last known window position
Release notes for Version 8.5 September 2018
- Wake On LAN
- Ability to deny the use of saved passwords in AccessPad
- Ability to license/limit based on number of sessions per Publish/Resource Group
- Advanced RADIUS Use Conditions
- All component services are compatible with Windows Server Semi-annual channel (SAC) version 1709 and 1803
- RemoteAgent Type 2 is fully supported for servers (recommended)
- RemoteAgent Type 2 publish by path using ‘+’
- Linux RemoteAgent supports Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Ericom RDX (RDP on Linux) supports Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Linux components supports readmd and SSSD for AD authentication
- RemoteAgent Type 1 32-bit discontinued
- Kerberos SSO performance enhancement (requires AccessPad 8.5 or higher)
- Admin Tool: Added “Always enabled” mode to EricomRDP setting
- Admin Tool: Added “Allow AccessPad to Save Passwords”
- Admin Tool: Added Systems | Hosts | Settings | Mark as Permanently Disconnected”
- Admin Tool: Added Systems | Hosts | Settings | Mark as Temporarily Disconnected”
- Admin Tool: The “Host Not Running Action” has been added to non-VDI host groups.
- Configuration Tool: New “Manage Global Services” selection
- Configuration Tool: What’s New message
- ConnectCLI: ResourceGroups add < groupname > to create resource group (27692)
- ConnectCLI: (added in 8.4) ConnectCli systemHealth (CA0000045163)
- ConnectCLI: ResourceGroups groupName addResources adds resources to resource groups
- Two new formula variables: ClientIP and XForwardedFor
- Disallow use of spaces in the username (CA0000052914)
- Add RunStartup VBS functionality for Microsoft Seamless mode (CA0000048964)
- VBS scripting feature verified for use with Microsoft Seamless
- jQuery components in AccessPortal updated to latest version
- ESG setting of AccessControlAllowOrigin will be blank – will inherit EUWS
- Performance improvements when there are lots of resource objects
- When screen mode is ‘Normal’ and set to a’0’ an error will be displayed.
- Doc: Clarified publishing from workstation OS requires Microsoft Seamless
- Doc: Clarified User vs Remote Sessions in End-user guide
- Fixed ANFileTransfer.exe UploadHandler so that it does not require UAC elevation when launching the configured application (CA0000049923)
- Improvements to touch detection
- AccessPad for Linux 8.5 supports Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS
Release notes for Version 8.4 March 2018
- Native SSO with AccessPortal – using Kerberos (26263)
- Native SSO with AccessPad – using Kerberos (26263)
- Added AccessNow Multi-touch Gesture Redirection functionality
- Added Session Following/stealing of active sessions (26371)
- Added ability to share sessions in AccessPortal (26371)
- Added ability to publish applications using the canonical path
- All component services are compatible with Windows Server Semi-annual channel
- Ericom Connect and RemoteAgent installers require .net 4.6.2 or higher
- Ericom RemoteAgent Type 2 (T2) is now available as an EXE installer – this is now the recommended RemoteAgent for all deployments (25465)
- Ericom RemoteAgent Type 2 (T2) has two types of keep alive settings (26223)
- AccessPortal: added support for session sharing (via PreferHostWithExistingSession)
- AccessPortal/AccessPad/AccessToGo Portal Client timeout setting added (26126)
- Improve detection of active application during reconnect (26373)
- New log entry when trying to an invalid tenant name – search in “All log messages” for “Message Type” RemoteHostNoMatchingTenant (26387)
- x-forwarded-for value now listed in a dedicated column in all logs
- Admin Tool: added Active Directory Recovery Verification Interval (24697)
- Admin Tool: added Active Directory Cache Update Interval (24697)
- ConnectCLI: Can use ‘^’ as a line continuation character – if the last character on the line is ‘^’, the following line is concatenated.
- ConnectCLI: added command ‘windowsServices’
- ConnectCLI: added command ‘resourceGroups’
- ConnectCLI: added command ‘resourcedefinitions’
- ConnectCLI: added command ‘ValidateAllObjects’ (22438)
- ConnectCLI: added three options to ‘AddAdminRecovery’ and set it to use the DNS name instead of Netbios (26419)
- ConnectCLI: ‘systems list’ now shows the RemoteAgent type
- ConnectCLI: ‘userActiveDirectoryInfo’ added /terse to suppress the output of the user’s group memberships and attributes.
- ConnectCLI: ‘remotehostconfig’ added parameter ‘tenant’ to set at the tenant level
- ConnectCLI: ‘resourceGroups’ added parameter ‘tenant’ to set at the tenant level
- ConnectCLI: ‘resourceDefinition’ added parameter ‘tenant’ to set at the tenant level
- ConnectCLI: ‘RemoteHostSetState‘added two new parameters
- ConnectCLI: Command-line (ConnectCLI>) 256-character limit is removed.
- Ericom Connect Services start type set to “Automatic Start Delayed” (25591)
- Ericom logo splash screen added to EricomRDP, Configuration Tool, Team Client, Configuration Analyzer (25303)
- Compatible with Black Ice Print2RDP 6.4
- Moved the ProgramData ‘deploy’ subfolder to %temp% folder (25577)
- Improved stability when failing over during database outage (20613/CA33717)
- Improved AccessServer memory management for better stability (23810)
- Fixed bug: wrong error logged when entering incorrect password via SSO pages (25485/CA0000041235)
- Fixed bug where the database name could not accept a period ‘.’ (25576)
- Resolved various CA issues
- Updated JQuery to v3.x
- Support for URL redirection by non-administrator users on Windows 2016 server
- Universal printer – initial print job as fast as subsequent print jobs (25078)
- On Windows 10 and 2016 systems, the log now shows the correct OS version (25128)
- EricomRDP: compatible on Windows 7 connecting through the ESG
- EricomRDP: added folders redirection support
- EricomRDP: improved drives redirection (to specify specific drive)
- AccessPad: Added DELETE_SETTINGS parameter to flush prior configuration during uninstall (25856)
- All: Compatible with Windows semi-annual channel versions
- AccessPad/Blaze: Fixed a stabilization bug in the 32-bit version
Release notes for Version 8.2 HF January 2018
- Ericom Secure Gateway: compatible with Azure Application Gateway
- Reports: Added x-forwarded-for data to ‘Users’ |”End user sessions”
- Reports: Added x-forwarded-for data to “System Health” | “Failed Logins”
- Compatible with Lexmark universal print driver for faster printing
- ConnectCLI: added parameters ‘EsgAddress’ and ‘EsgId’ to ‘SetConnectionRule’
- ConnectCLI: added parameter ‘batchSize’ to ‘ConnectCli deleteOldLogMessagesDb’ and ‘DeleteOldLogMessages’ (CA0000039460)
- Team Client: Added a CTRL+ALT+DEL button to the user interface
- Resolved issue where RemoteAgent did not reconnect to the grid after a restart (CA0000040609)
- AccessPad/EricomRDP: fixes for applications with Japanese names and users having Japanese names
Release notes for Version 8.2 October 2017
- AccessPad web proxy support
- AccessPad EricomRDP is now the default protocol for all connections
- AccessPad EricomRDP adds application session sharing and plug-in support
- Enhanced usage reporting – Concurrent License Usage by Month and Named User License Usage by Month
- Support for fine-grained active password policies
- VDI with SCVMM is now released
- AccessNow is compatible with Samsung universal printer driver for faster printing
- ConnectCLI: added “systems setCurrentAddress” (24694) and radiusConfig
- Configuration Tool: New setting to enable Simple Bind for Active Directory
- RADIUS shared secret encrypted in the database and hidden in admin console
- Session Tracking API used to detect the process has been updated (CA0000034870)
- Improve performance for processing Binding groups (CA0000035495)
- Resolves bug where admin could not add/remove hosts in System group (CA0000040569)
- Fixed various minor bugs for improved stability and usage
Release notes for Version 8.1 July 2017
[Ericom Connect Changes]
- Ericom Team Client – File collaboration feature (Enterprise Only)
- Support for Active Directory on Windows 2016
- EricomRDP mode is compatible with Windows 2008R2 hosts
- EricomRDP full screen pin icon will toggle on change (20822)
- Windows Integrated Authentication support by AccessPortal
- Admin Tool: Configure client keep-alive heartbeat settings
- Admin Tool: Configure AccessNow HTTPS fallback in ESG settings
- Admin Tool: EricomRDP application mode no longer experimental
- Add “desktop application” feature to AccessNow and Blaze (20827)
- ConnectCli getMessageLogRecovery adds date range (From/To) options
- AccessNow HTTPS fallback is disabled by default (starting in 8.0)
- All self-signed certificates use 2048-bit length for the public key
- Windows application parameter length can exceed 256 characters (22112)
- Fixed EricomRDP crash bug (22626)
- Resolves support issues: CA0000036859, CA0000035495, CA0000034870, CA0000033717, CA0000035123
- New client keep-alive heartbeat
- AccessPad Login dialog fixed on high resolution displays (22636)
- AccessPad EricomRDP Full Screen bar pin toggles on state change
- Fixed AccessPad EricomRDP crash bug (22626)
- AccessServer includes stabilization fixes (CA0000034750)
- Resolves AccessPad-specific support issues: CA0000035663, CA0000035583
- New client keep-alive heartbeat
- AccessServer includes stabilization fixes (CA0000034750)
Release notes for Version 8.0 April 2017
[Ericom Connect Changes]
- VDI functionality – Technical Preview
- RemoteAgent can configure a default Systems group
- User Affinity assignment: Static Persistent and Dynamic Persistent
- Native client bi-directional audio (EricomRDP)
- Native client device redirection (EricomRDP)
- Native client Microsoft Easy Print (EricomRDP)
- Native client RemoteFX (EricomRDP)
- Native client file based copy paste (EricomRDP)
- Admin Tool: Dashboard indicator for LUS configuration consistency
- Admin Tool: Configure “Smart Sizing” in Connection Properties
- Admin Tool: Ability to manually add accounts to ‘Users’ list
- Admin Tool: Improve performance by caching metadata
- Support multiple Active Directories with the same UPN suffix
- Ericom Connect and RemoteAgent installers require .net 4.5.2 or higher
- Option to configure security headers in ESG, EUWS, and AWS
- ConnectCLI can be run as a command shell
- Systems can be automatically marked Permanently Disconnected
- Systems can be automatically removed from a group on Permanent Disconnect state
- Config Analyzer is launched with the New Grid operation
- Minor internal bug fixes in AccessPad for Windows
- Smashed the token bug (Resolved CA0000032885, CA0000033208, CA0000032872)
- Resolved CA issues: CA0000031689
Release notes for Version 7.6.1 February 2017
[Ericom Connect Changes]
- URL Redirection on Linux
- Application publishing on Linux
- Session sharing with Linux sessions
- AccessPortal Keyboard locale will be saved locally on the device
- Publish paths and parameters in non-English characters.
- Auto-detect and switch keyboard language in user sessions
- Admin Tool: new configuration for the F11 execution scope
- Admin Tool: new configuration for Keyboard Detect Languages
- Admin Tool: new Blaze setting and options for “True Lossless” mode
- CLI (EndUserSessions) command lists portal and sessions for a user
- Program field length set to 256 characters due to RDP (19702)
- Unused RemoteAgent services (LB/RB) disabled by default (19995)
- Smashed the RADIUS “Connection Lost” bug (resolved: CA0000030979, CA0000031435)
- Resolved CA issues: CA0000029922, CA0000031271, CA0000032348
- Resolved AccessPortal CA issues: CA0000021667, CA0000031612
- Auto-detect and switch keyboard language in AccessNow sessions (resolved: CA0000027367)
- Updated AccessNow printing engine (resolved: CA0000027126)
- Smashed a bug related to service crash: (resolved: CA0000031844, CA0000032064)
- Resolved CA issues: CA0000030558, CA0000027262, CA0000031844, CA0000032645
- New Linux x64 version for Ubuntu 14.04
- Add capability for “True Lossless” mode
- The full screen connection bar height has been extended by three pixels
- Resolved CA issues: CA0000010088, CA0000001106, CA0000029266, CA0000029267, CA0000027817
- New default: multi-touch mode enabled
- New default: full screen resize on reorientation enabled
- Resolved extra space when keyboard hides (CA0000022001)
- Resolved CA issues: CA0000027842, CA0000029228, CA0000008976, CA0000031158, CA0000032211
Release notes for Version February 2017
[Ericom Connect Fixes]
- Fix AccessPortal in HTTP mode to work with Chrome 56
Release notes for Version November 2016
[Ericom Connect Features]
- New AccessPortal user experience
- New Admin console user experience
- Windows 2016 Remote Session Host (RDSH) compatible
- Windows 2016 SQL Server compatible
- Session Shadowing (Control and View only)
- Session Log off, Disconnect, and Reset
- Support use of pre-created blank SQL database
- RADIUS – add Send Client IP using an attribute
- RADIUS – changed Default Domain to accept ‘ \” or ‘@ \
- Linux sessions adds support for printing and audio
- New Dashboard element: Database Usage, RemoteAgent Status (Windows, Linux)
- AccessPortal can save items as Favorites
- CLI to flush database date prior to a specified date
- CLI (SetConnectionRule) to configure Publish groups based on client type (AccessPad, AccessPortal, AccessToGo)
- CLI to edit a desktop session title label
- CLI to display dbgmon details for support purposes
- Publish .BAT files
- Admin setting to block CTRL+P in AccessNow sessions
- User’s Remote Sessions Report now displays all running applications in the session
- Session Log off, Disconnect, Reset and Send Message
- Smashed various bugs
[AccessToGo Features]
- Android 6.0 and 7.0 compatible
- Multi-touch mode is enabled by default now
- Copy Paste in-session only will not lose text formatting (16584)
Release notes for Version 7.5.2 September 2016
[AccessPad Bug Fixes]
- Redirect Default Printer Name with Multi-byte character Issue
- Copy/Paste Issue when accessing Network Mapped Drive
Release notes for Version 7.5.2 May 2016
[Ericom Connect Features]
- Publish applications and groups now have Unique ID’s
- New security options to launch apps requiring encoded ID’s and names
- Launch Analysis is now also available in Professional edition
- Preserve ClientName method added, “CC#”” method optional
- Added ConnectCli resourceDefinitions
- Smashed AccessPortal bug – allow special characters in passwords
[AccessPad Features]
- Windows AccessPad Launch using URI Feature
- Windows AccessPad pre-configurable shortcuts
- Installer adds option to register the estp URI
Release notes for Version 7.5.1 March 2016
[Ericom Connect Features]
- Ericom Connect Linux Session support
- AccessServer for Linux (Managed mode only)
- RemoteAgent for Linux (Type 2)
- New RemoteAgent Web Service for Type 2 RemoteAgents
- Ericom Analytics for data visualization and business intelligence (Enterprise)
- CLI commands to backup/restore the database
- CLI command to reset all component certificates to the default
- Publish folder contents can appear on top level of application list (AccessPortal, AccessPad, and AccessToGo)
- Reordered the contents of the Navigation panel for improved ergonomics
- New default grid parameters: 1, 0, and 2 (previously 2 1 5)
- Three new “Login Name Formats”: Omit Credentials (AccessPad requires 7.5 or higher), Omit Domain, and Custom.
- Additional SSO page that accepts pre-configured parameters: application name, folder name, and full screen mode
- Default number of tenants allowed with an Enterprise license has been increased from 10 to 1,000
- New parameters added to EndUserSessionReportingView
- Added function to specify a custom address and port for a registered system
- Fixed timezone handling (11740)
- ALT+Tab button in AccessNow Toolbar
- Application “Scale to Fit” for applications requiring a fixed resolution
- Chrome Direct Copy/Paste to/from local device (Windows)
- The default minimum resolution is now 768 x 600
[AccessPad Features]
- AccessPad Start Menu shortcut icon
- AccessPad Signed Configuration File support
Release notes for Version 7.3 November 2015
[Administrative Features]
- Multi-tenancy
- Delegated administration with customizable roles
- New configuration options for Ericom Secure Gateway connections
- New option to enable RADIUS for ESG connections only
- Configuration Analyzer utility available as individual download
- Added new Report options (e.g. “Failed Logins”)
- Added new Client “Access” page
- Support for Microsoft Azure SQL
- Smashed bugs
[AccessNow Features]
- TouchPad Mouse
- Chrome Direct Copy to local
[AccessPad Features]
- AccessPad Windows supports Desktop Shortcut icon
- AccessPad Windows supports SSO from local Windows OS
- AccessPad Windows x64 now available
- Release notes for Version Version 7.2 August 2015
[Administrative Features]
- Windows AccessPad is Windows 10 compatible
- Windows AccessPad can be pre-configured with server address
- Windows AccessPad UniPrint bundled MSI
- AccessNow HTML5 is Microsoft Edge compatible
- Support for Amazon AWS SQL Database
- Smashed bugs
Release notes for Version Version 7.1 June 2015
[Administrative Features]
- Multi-language support for Connect Admin console – eight new languages!
- Cool new AccessPortal with interactive menu bar
- New ConnectCLI command to change published icons
- Handy built-in Configuration Analyzer
- New Upgrade/Redeploy feature
- Option to use an encrypted password with SSO
- AccessPortal HTTP interface for testing
- Smashed some bugs
Release notes for Version 7.0.1 March 2015
[Administrative Features]
- Added RADIUS to Administration Console
- Added System Level Settings to Administration Console Configuration
- New filtering feature for Users list, Registered Systems, and Connect Services
- Enhanced some Tooltip texts
- Standalone RemoteAgent supports LUS
- Smashed a few bugs
- Added new feature content to Documentation
[Security Features]
- Enhanced XTEA encryption
Release notes for Version 7.0.0 March 2015
[Administrative Features]
- Web-based Administration Console
- Health Status Widgets
- Resource Launch Analysis
- Comprehensive Reporting Function
- ConnectCLI command line interface
[End-User Features]
- AccessNow v7.0 HTML5 interface
- AccessToGo v7.0 mobile client
- AccessToGo Connect v7.0 mobile client
- AccessToGo Sector v7.0 mobile client
- AccessPad Windows v7.0, AccessPad Mac 3.1 native client
- Direct Single Sign-On interface
- AccessPortal Login Portal
[Security Features]
- HTTPS Compatible
- Includes Ericom Secure Gateway for remote access
- Supports RADIUS two-factor authentication method
- Supports third-party trusted certificates
[Infrastructure Features]
- PoC and Production installer options
- Built-in Ericom grid for high availability
- Microsoft Active Directory
- Microsoft SQL or SQL Express 2012
- Microsoft IIS 8 or higher
- Windows 2012R2 for Ericom Connect Grid components
- Windows 2008 or higher recommended for Terminal Servers and Remote Desktop Servers
- Windows 7 or higher recommended for workstation access (physical and virtual desktops)
[Connect Server Minimum Requirements]
- RAM: 7 GB
- Cores: 4
- Storage: 1GB